My name is Allen Awesome, I hail from Kickassland and I am Funhundred years old! Nuf said! Deal with it!

Allen Awesome @AllenWAwesome




Joined on 5/2/07

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holy crap your flash made it up to one!...Awsome! im board... MAKE ME A SANDWHICH!

You know what really brings my piss to a boil? (If you get that reference, I'll lawl)

Some of the people who negatively reviewed your flash movie, "My Newgrounds", leave some of the stupidest reviews I've ever seen.

Like for one, some guy mistakened your video with Guitar Hero?! SERIOUSLY?! Not only was there not an ounce of Guitar Hero material in there, but the only person who put up a seemingly Guitar Hero related video was Afro-Ninja. I just don't understand how people mess up like that, or how they misplace their reviews like that.

Another reviewer mistakened your flash movie with an eSurance commercial, when clearly, it was about a HP commercial. Wow, I just don't know how people make such unsightly mistakes like that.

One thing I really hate about these negative-reviewers is that they're more hell-bent on comparing, instead of looking at the quality of the work. Like, they'll compare your work with waterlollies, instead of looking at what your flash animation displays and delivers. Like "OMG! It's a video of yourself, voting 0 becuz u r teh GAYZ!" and "Waterlollies beats this lol!11!". *Sigh* Some people just don't understand what it means to leave a review. If someone's gonna leave a negative-review, at least make it helpful in someway, instead of just insulting and downgrading someone's work, sheesh.

What I loved most about "My Newgrounds" was the fact that it was new and original.... well semi-original (I've seen a couple previous flashes with the same idea, but it's been awhile since I've seen another one with this mix of real video and flash animation). I guess people just don't like change anymore. It's all about what they're always used to seeing, and if they see something new, they just cast it down because they believe that it "isn't a part" of Newgrounds.

I'll admit, I do like other flash movies more than this one, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna downgrade it solely on the fact I think that I see other flash movies better than this one. The voting system and the review system was to be based on one's opinion of the ACTUAL flash movie, not the current rank it has, or compared to other flash movies around it. >_>

Well, I guess Newgrounds will always have ignorant morons such as these, and nothing can be done about it. :/ Oh wells...

I'm glad someone noticed this trend. I'm getting alot of haters blasting my cartoon solely on it's rank. I've gotten alot of review saying that they would have given it a 5/5 if it wasn't ranked above waterlollies, so they gave it a 0/5. As a result it's now number 2. I think this has something to do with people being pissed that I came up out of nowhere. You know, getting placed number 1 after my 6th submission. Well, not much I can do. I don't think they understand, I don't rank my own cartoons, the masses do. Meh, no worries though. I got alot more toons make'n front page well on the way!

i love your work but i have one question...Whats your inspiration? xD

its amazing how one good flash makes a user famus on NG!


It is not the fact the people are mad you beat waterlollies, its the initial high score of the submissions and the that never really matters, Waterlollies had a 4.76 when it first came and now with 50,000 votes t has a stable enough score. Your submission doesn't even have close to that amount, and if Waterlollies can got down .2 in rating what makes you think that yours will stay at the top? It was a creative idea and a good flash, but I think you sounds a tad arrogant when you say the reason you went down in score is because of Waterlollies fanboys. I think this will stay in the top 10 for a good amount of time, but everything goes down. Anyway, if yu can top this flash with something as original and more intense flash skills, it will be a true rival to Waterlollies, but bask in the glory for now, its always the best part.

It's not arrogance that makes me think what I do. It's the PMs and reviews constantly telling me that it's the very reason. Sorry if that came off as arrogant.

Ugh ignore themy random words, keyboard is acting weird and so is my mouse.

u like ben 10?

This is to DarkLeviathan:

Actually, it IS because of the fact he beat waterlollies that he's being downgraded. No...wait... let me clarify and specify that. It's that fact that he beat ALL THE OTHER TOP 50 FLASH PROJECTS that his work is being downgraded. This all goes back to what I was saying. It beat waterlollies, it beat Tankmen 2, it beat madness consternation, it beat animator vs animation, it beat metal gear awesome, so now all the fan boys of these various top 50 submissions are going all pissy like a "girl on her period" because they see something better than their favorites. Because Newgrounders are so bent on making sure their favorite stays up top, if they see something that is above their favorites that doesn't deserve to be there because they think their favorite is better than it, they'll downgrade it.

By the way DarkLeviathan, I thought I'd quote a little specific something I saw in your post:

"Your submission doesn't even have close to that amount, and if Waterlollies can got down .2 in rating what makes you think that yours will stay at the top?"

I'm not sure if you realized it, but that was an absolutely biased statement you just said there. You've basically just told everyone here that you liked Waterlollies better than "My Newgrounds", so you're just further proving my point about fanboys like yourself who want their favorite submissions up top.

This is to StickemUpOnline:

Just because you "came up out of nowhere", doesn't mean you can't have a place of score rank wherever you want. I mean, I've never created flash movies or games before, but what if I were to take 5 whole years into making a flash project, and after fine-tuning to its very core, I sent it to Newgrounds? Wouldn't I get a high score? Well... who knows in the end. :P

Yeah, I'm not really too worried about it. I just think it's rather sad to see people blasting someones work for superficial reasons. But what ever. Adam Phillips is very talented and he earned top. It's just funny how people reacted when I topped him for a day. I seriously got maybe 12 reviews scoring less than 10, but once I hit #1 every 4th review was written to express how much I didn't deserve it. Meh. I'm more than happy to be #2.

I think its amusing that a biased opinion is calling mine biased, but yes I think Waterlollies is better. He has years of professional work that he uses as his source of a living. So it should be better or he needs to find a very cheap place to live. And how is saying waterlollies has more votes than MN biased....this has 10k, waterlollies as 50k, meaning it is a less volatile movement in score. And would you no think that fanboys of other authors didn't vote down waterlollies, among others who are just jealous of him?I really am using as much logic as you think you are and am saying that this isn't some grave injustice that happened. There are always people who hate something, so I still stand by what I said and also, I'm loving the out of context quote. Do you work in the media? Go and reply, I'm curious to see what you can quote to make me seem like a fanboy.

Ok, seriously, my profile isn't a forum. If you want to slug it out with another user you both need to take it elsewhere. I'm not kidding.

I'll try my hand a this quote debate and using your own words against you:
"Because Newgrounders are so bent on making sure their favorite stays up top, if they see something that is above their favorites that doesn't deserve to be there because they think their favorite is better than it, they'll downgrade it."

So, everyones a fanboy? I'll give you the credit of hardcore fan boys spamming 0's on anything above there favorites, but every person has favorite flashes and think their favorite should be #1, hence the reason its the flash they like most on the site. The reason people think there are so many fan boys is because they are the only people who get attention. If there were as many as you think, MN would be in the 3's. So if your going to get defensive, make sure the other persons goal in the post was offensive.

Yeah, I'm done listening to you two arguing over this. You both kinda blew this way out of proportion.

oh no ur not number 1 anymore! damn waterlollies!

Pretty nifty flash you got there. Love how it was all synched in. 12/22/07 I'll be there with a flash of my own :P

Very VERY good work.

You're a truly amazing flash artist alien, yo're probably the best there is. That flash wasn't your best but certainly the most popular, I just wish people would recognize your other cool flashes. This one kinda reminded me of those new Dell commercials or whatever, the point is; Alien awesome, will you have my baby? :p

Lol, well your movie was good but I'm not about to worship you just yet. Judging on your other work I should say that you can still brush up on your artwork and I think that is also a big deal when dealing with movies.

Your story skills however are unparalleled, original and actually really good fun. It's what I like about Newgrounds, just picture there is no crap in the portal.. What you've got left is a real big pile of great movies and games, and I think yours would be in there somewhere to.

I hope your next movie will be original and I hope you will continue to improve your flash skills. I saw a flash for newbies book downtown the other day and I already was playing with the idea that I might had to get it but I guess cause you said I had to get off my ass I really should.. :P

Anyway, keep it up! :)

P.S. Handjobs.. sounds pretty good to me :P

youre lvl 7!

your last name is awsome?

May not have much to do with your news post, but your personal pic: Is it a picture of you?

Bytheway, I'm making a My Newgrounds movie for 22th of December! Hope you like it.

(You rock.)


Yeah, that's a picture of me! And I'm looking forward to seeing everyones renditions on the 22nd. Should be fun! XD

It's just something recorded and the photoshoped.. Dosen't seem like too much effort but it's an awesome flash.

Good flash. I really hope it becomes a collection...

Anyway, I loved it!

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