You know what really brings my piss to a boil? (If you get that reference, I'll lawl)
Some of the people who negatively reviewed your flash movie, "My Newgrounds", leave some of the stupidest reviews I've ever seen.
Like for one, some guy mistakened your video with Guitar Hero?! SERIOUSLY?! Not only was there not an ounce of Guitar Hero material in there, but the only person who put up a seemingly Guitar Hero related video was Afro-Ninja. I just don't understand how people mess up like that, or how they misplace their reviews like that.
Another reviewer mistakened your flash movie with an eSurance commercial, when clearly, it was about a HP commercial. Wow, I just don't know how people make such unsightly mistakes like that.
One thing I really hate about these negative-reviewers is that they're more hell-bent on comparing, instead of looking at the quality of the work. Like, they'll compare your work with waterlollies, instead of looking at what your flash animation displays and delivers. Like "OMG! It's a video of yourself, voting 0 becuz u r teh GAYZ!" and "Waterlollies beats this lol!11!". *Sigh* Some people just don't understand what it means to leave a review. If someone's gonna leave a negative-review, at least make it helpful in someway, instead of just insulting and downgrading someone's work, sheesh.
What I loved most about "My Newgrounds" was the fact that it was new and original.... well semi-original (I've seen a couple previous flashes with the same idea, but it's been awhile since I've seen another one with this mix of real video and flash animation). I guess people just don't like change anymore. It's all about what they're always used to seeing, and if they see something new, they just cast it down because they believe that it "isn't a part" of Newgrounds.
I'll admit, I do like other flash movies more than this one, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna downgrade it solely on the fact I think that I see other flash movies better than this one. The voting system and the review system was to be based on one's opinion of the ACTUAL flash movie, not the current rank it has, or compared to other flash movies around it. >_>
Well, I guess Newgrounds will always have ignorant morons such as these, and nothing can be done about it. :/ Oh wells...
holy crap your flash made it up to one!...Awsome! im board... MAKE ME A SANDWHICH!