Finally! Its about time a respectable person dealt with this Waterlollies pandemic! All his shit lacks a story and humor. In 2 weeks, I bet MGA2 will be number 2 nd Waterlollies is number 1. Fucking Brackenwoodies...
My name is Allen Awesome, I hail from Kickassland and I am Funhundred years old! Nuf said! Deal with it!
Joined on 5/2/07
Finally! Its about time a respectable person dealt with this Waterlollies pandemic! All his shit lacks a story and humor. In 2 weeks, I bet MGA2 will be number 2 nd Waterlollies is number 1. Fucking Brackenwoodies...
I dont care whay other people think, and you shouldent either, your a great flash guy and you shouldent be detered by rude comments
I totaly get where you're coming from dude, you made great flashes, no argue with that, and no, the graphics aren't as good as water lollies.
You made a good flash, but because some people voted it above water lolies, they get regrets. They don't wanna blame themselves so the easy way to deal with it is by sending you hatemail.
Try to remember the few hours you spend above water lollies. Don't let hatemail bother you. You can do what none of them can. You're great, and keep making flashes.
Unlike waterlollies your movie "The pen is mightier..." was actually funny xD and had good animation and drawing :D DON'T LISTEN TO THOSE FAGGOTS >:( THEY WATCH BARNEY AND PLAY WITH BARBIES
you know this is Newgrounds, a site made for teens. some of them hold onto things a little too tight and defend things religiously without reason. i've seen this happen so many times here and in many other sites. so don't expect your words to get across to most of them.
i don't think waterlollies deserves number 1 because it's just another brackenwoods flash. MGA2 does deserve it cause it's stands for everything this site is. i like your latest one. if you had animated the characters instead of shaking stick figures, then i'd say this deserves top 15. it's still top 40 for the message you're putting out there and the rest of the animation.
Even though I agree that Water Lollies and other of Adam Phillips' works are an orgasm for the eye I have noticed very considerable progression in your work as well. I very much enjoy your flashes n junk. I mean, if you were so bad, then you wouldnt've been the last king o the portal, and that's basically one of the best accomplishments on this site. Your flashes are very good and am looking forward to your next ones. Oh yeah, and sagging testacles.
Newgrounds is filled with idiots.
A couple years ago Andrew Kepple made a cartoon about God that was hilarious and fantastic. Once it got above Bitey of Brackenwood, in came the hate mail.
Andrew then linked to, in the authors comments, a special flash cartoon featuring his God drawing throwing a giant boulder and killing that little yellow bouncy bird thing from Bitey.
DAMN did it make the stupid people angry. Everyone else was laughing their ass off though.
But yeah things never change.
My advice is to find a really bad link to something really malicious online. And each time some prepubescent butthair bawls at you via pm, send them the link.
It won't learn them a lesson, but their reaction is always satisfying for a few quick lol's.
While Adam Phillips has possibly the greatest animating skills EVER he does lack a plot, its just random AWESOME animating. Don't get me wrong hes a damn legend. But Allen Awesome makes movies that are great too (some with plots), my point, stop hating, enjoy Newgrounds. Or you can beg Tom to make a 0-10 voting scale with more complex voting features, or some shit. (I'm not talking about review score either.)
Adam's work is wonderful and all, but your talented in a different much more entertaining way I think. Keep up the great toons!
Well, i just see waterlollies and i love it too, i dont say that animation is better and that kind of things, i take it like, the best from the autor, cause the animation "The Pen is Mightier..." is also a good animation too, that kind of animations you dont see them everyday on NG xP, well, the point is that, why blam other flash movie? every movie is scored how its deserved.
LOL did you notice your 16th now? That sux but your still part of the top 50 so yeah but to be honest with you its slightly more realistic than being #1 ... also what I dont get is how everyone (Im guessing even yourself) is hatin on Adam, you can tell he worked hard on his animation, you can tell he was dedicated and god damnit he always has a story everysingle one of em and you fail to see that you fail period, really I wrote out what his story was on his animation and I really dont feel like typing all of it again. Im not saying NO ONE can ever be more deserving of #1 but as of now nothing oozes more skill and work than his.
Just incase your wondering I voted yours a 5 for 3 days than got bored <.<
I'm not hate'n on Adam, I'm hate'n on people who compare EVERYTHING they watch to Adams work. I know my work isn't near his level. I never expected it to get number 1. I never said it deserves number 1. I never said he doesn't have a story, just that the plot, in my opinion, was lacking. I think he is a very talented animator. I'm glad you voted 5. thnx. But what I'm upset about, if you read, was people complaining that my work isn't better than Adams, as if I went around saying how much better I am than Adam, this is simply not the case. If people want to vote me down, i'm fine with that. If people want to vote me down because they think waterlollies is better, ok. I just don't need to hear about how much better waterlollies is as if I've never seen it before. yes?
you are complaining about lack of plot and you made a cartoon about a bullet
I think brackenwood is very good but i dont compare other movies with it, i vote em by quality.. your movies rock, fuck dem idiots! :P
your stuff makes me laugh :3