My name is Allen Awesome, I hail from Kickassland and I am Funhundred years old! Nuf said! Deal with it!
Joined on 5/2/07
sweet i love dogma
Jesus loves me. Thats good 2 knowz.
Jesus pwnz ur heart!
and i love u too jesus man!!!
Scientology is weird o.o ever seeing that south park episode related to it?
Unfortunately I haven't. I have to work so early in the morning I never get to stay up and watch mah storiez!
jesus is over rated
We do not forget
Me and jesus hang out sometimes. Hes cool.I love you to jesus!DOGOTA!!
Lol a friend of mine had that geesus toy!
lawl its not Jesus, he is GEESUS
lawl confessions of a 7h grade pimp is gonna rock
lol, grats on the KOTP!
dude you are homo to the max
Oh no! Butt zegz!
lol funny but not as good as ur blow ur minds one
United as One, Divided by Zero.