Why does Darnell have white hands?
Why does Darnell have white hands?
My mistake, should be fixed now.
but next time don't use the clock crew voice mabober. It's quite annoying. It's the one of the only thing keeping me from enjoying any clockcrew submission. Meh. To each their own I guess. Pretty amusing.
The more I look at the word "mabober," the more I like it!
That was a tasty jam!
thank you my good sir
That was quite awesome! I must say!
Thanks man!
Second one with lemons! Why do lemons make me laugh?!?! HA HA HA! It's a bitter laughter!!!11!!1! Anyway, cool idea both of you doing it together, no gay joke intended, I think it could have had a bit more animation in it though. I still got a couple of laughs out of it!
Thanks :D!
I loved the whole concept. It was very funny, however, these were not my expectations. I think a little extra time formatting would have changed that. The audio also needs alittle extra work. But hey, despite all the stuff that could have been fixed, It definitely deserved front page action. Keep up the good work.
Time formatting? I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean by that. Anyway, thanks for the review, and I'm glad you enjoyed it.
That was amazing. It just blew my mind, hooker style. I loved the timing and the humor and especially, the chaos. Well done sir. I am most definitely looking forward to more of this.
There will be some more of this in some time.
I enjoyed that quite a bit. Very well done and put together. Keep up the excellent work.
thanks i sure will pal ;)
Well sorry...
...I just don't think that it was front page material.
Well thank you for your review, thats your opinion. :]
My name is Allen Awesome, I hail from Kickassland and I am Funhundred years old! Nuf said! Deal with it!
Joined on 5/2/07