My name is Allen Awesome, I hail from Kickassland and I am Funhundred years old! Nuf said! Deal with it!

Allen Awesome @AllenWAwesome




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And then The hate mail!

Posted by AllenWAwesome - March 7th, 2008

It's relentless. The shear volume of people who vote down my submissions because they like Water Lollies better. And I know my work isn't even approaching that of Adam Phillips. Look, I understand that Water Lollies is just like a visual orgasm, though, in my opinion, lacking in plot. Not to say my latest submission was at all "thrilling". It's just like some kind of running gag. I submit something I've been working on for a while. It gets great reviews. Then it gets voted up above Water Lollies. That's when it starts. I getter PM after PM, comment after comment, berating me about how my work is shit compared to Water Lollies and it shouldn't be so popular. Look, it's not like I wave some kind of wand and force my work up to the top. It's not like my work just pops up there in a couple seconds. It's a process, that takes days. If you don't want my work above Water Lollies then just give it a bad score before it gets up there. Because, seriously, I'd rather have a shit score than an inbox full of shit talking. So please, use you head. Thnx! XD


Adam Phillips used to work for Disney, so of course his work is gonna be great... but this is newgrounds! everyone should get a equal chance at getting a good score, so it makes no sense for people to vote your stuff just down because its getting dangerously close to professional quality.

YEa I Like Phillip's work, but it is just a visual orgasm, but it dosen't have much of a point or story, people are stupid.

preaching to the choir =(

ok if im honest, at this moment in time i havent watched your new submission... but i will when ive posted this. i agree with what you say about getting knocked down because people like his work so much ( i'd prefer to call this dickriding, which it is, they are all on his nuts ) but as ive read somewhere else, it is newgrounds. And hey.... i dont even like any of the waterlollies (fact) i vote them down... they are visually amazing but cmon... they suck
Anyways... for future projects of yours i seriously hope you take the top spot if it is worthy of it... you'll prob be king of the portal again soon so dont worry, keep posting your flash, enjoy making it and reading the good reviews. And when you read the bad reviews thats just simple stuff like you YoU SucK and all that crap just remember that its prob jealousy, if you have 500 reviews of OMG THAtS AMAZING and 1 review of 'water lollies is better' then im afraid you have to just accept it...
But anyways good luck : ) and i hope your submission is good when i watch it right after ive posted this :D

dude this is bullshit you have a lot of potential a lot of people are better then you but everyone has someone who surpasses them and a lot of the people who are really good like adam phillips are very experienced just watch as soon as you have as much experience as them you will probably as good as, if not better then, them I mean seriously dude everyone has to start somewhere and most start with nothing you know what I mean

Fags.... i think your work is amazing!


My god, that's stupid.

Also, weren't you going to make an animation involving that "Sniper, No Sniping" comic? That would have been hilarious!

I'm more pissed about people not liking your animation or Adam's. Both were stunning and some people don't think that a flash is good unless it's fucking hilarious or brutally violent.

You have improved so much in such a small amount of time that it's impressive. Don't hang your head because a few people are douchebags. Look at your score. That's enough of a response to all that think you are over-rated.

I'm glad someone has noticed my pace of improvement! XD I'm think'n maybe in a couple years, at this pace, I should have that oscar! Mwa ha ha!

Don't let the residents of Brackenwood get you down. They have too much team spirit, and not enough sense.

I hope the hate mail senders die in a fire.

I haven't sent hate mail...but I think your Flash is way over-rated. I mean, REALLY over-rated. It deserved an award, perhaps, but now it's #2 in the top 50. Which I think is totally undeserved.

Now see, that I don't mind. Why people have to bring someone else work into the mix, that's what really irks me. I respect your opinion. Thnx.

I feel you're better than adam because you got humor.

I vote on movies given what I thought of it by itself, not compared to Waterlollies or any other movie.

But if it makes you feel any better, this happens to everyone else. Whenever something climbs to Number 1, it gets downvoted until Waterlollies is back up.

*Shakes fist*
Oi! It's rather frustrating. Good to hear I'm not the only on dealing this crap.

Madness got an even worse treatment. At least you didn't do something like Cursor*10.

Wait if YOUR gettin hatemail for being good I wonder How much Adam gets on a daily basis <.< sux to be awesome ...

they shouldn't complain since the only reason it is getting higher is because of all the haters voting waterlollies down every day :D i thought it was a fantastic animation and it deserves the score it has.

Fuck Phillips, he make us all look like talentless clowns each time he posts a submission, i don't mind his stuff being in the top 10 of all time but god damn, don't downvote a movie because of another movie.

Man your work is awesome. your latest is sooo creative, watching it was a true experience, hope to play u on TF2 again sometime :) And keep the work up!!!

"Dude, Where's My Penis?" is more deserving of the #2 spot. "The Pen is Mightier..." should be more like #3. Then again, I find well done cock jokes great, so of course that one would be higher. >_>

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