That was amazing. It just blew my mind, hooker style. I loved the timing and the humor and especially, the chaos. Well done sir. I am most definitely looking forward to more of this.
That was amazing. It just blew my mind, hooker style. I loved the timing and the humor and especially, the chaos. Well done sir. I am most definitely looking forward to more of this.
There will be some more of this in some time.
I enjoyed that quite a bit. Very well done and put together. Keep up the excellent work.
thanks i sure will pal ;)
Well sorry...
...I just don't think that it was front page material.
Well thank you for your review, thats your opinion. :]
That was AWESOME! The shit with the chainsaw was brutal! Very well animated. Keep up the good work. If you don't, Jesus will get you with his sword and pop a cap! No fool'n!
Nicely done. I loved the . . . well, everything. Although the audio was lacking, it was still great! Don't stop kick'n ass!
Oh Man!
I thought it was good. Very well written. A little more raz-a-ma-taz on the the visual and it would have been exquisite. I love the end though.
P.S. Fark this review!
Well played. . .Well played indeed! This made me smile my face off!
Lol... I'm glad you enjoyed it.
My name is Allen Awesome, I hail from Kickassland and I am Funhundred years old! Nuf said! Deal with it!
Joined on 5/2/07